Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A variety of new pictures

My house-helper Mbula and I made the largest main dish, pasta casserole, that I've ever made. The dish filled one 9x13 pan and four 8x8 pans. It was for a faculty potluck. The only "unfortunate" part of the dish was that I didn't know that a "casserole" is supposed to be a dish to serve over rice. There was plenty of rice and not enough dishes to serve on top of rice. Oh well, I think, I tried. All I can do is smile and try again next time.

Nate's chin injury a few days into the healing process. It is up for debate whether the drool helps the healing process or not.

This is the best picture of Isaiah's black eye that I could get. It's all better now. He does have a nice scrape and bruise on the other eye and cheek now. He looks like a happy, healthy, active boy with his multitude of bruises and scrapes.

This event was a staff and student get-together party where everyone got to participate in games. Our team name was pin pop (lollypop). We are passing a very full water balloon over our heads. None of our balloons broke, thankfully.

Nate and I are clapping for another activity. It was a nice side shot that Todd got of me, so I thought I'd add it. I'm already a couple of weeks bigger.

"Hello everyone"

Todd got to participate in a game where handfuls of water had to be passed to the end of the line then poured into a Coke bottle. This is Happiness explaining how she thought it would be best to pour the water out of his hands into the bottle. The team with the fullest bottle at the end of two minutes won the game. We didn't do so well. Todd had about four other also telling him how to pour and too much advice doesn't always help.

This is Isaiah "fixing" a vine-like tree off of our porch. He often walks around campus carrying a bag of tools. It has earned him the nickname of Fundi (worker).

Isaiah and Nate being goofy and loving it!

Nate is trying on a pair of rain boots that were left for him. He was very proud trying to march around the house in them. They are all dusty because Isaiah often wears them around campus. Two pairs of boots were left for them and a pair fits each boy. What fun!!

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