Friday, June 26, 2009

Upcoming Dates

FYI: Here are some dates for those of you who want to see us in the month we have left in the US.

June 26-29: St. Louis Park/Edina MN finishing up our move. Anyone with time and muscles is welcome to come to our house to help us complete the move.

June 29- July 5: Omaha, NE. We'll be in town for a week to see family and friends in Omaha.

July 6 - 8: New York, NY. Jenny and Todd will be in New York for training and orientation with Africa Inland Mission. Isaiah and Nathanael will be staying with Aunt Kristi. Thanks Kristi and Samuel!

July 8 -9: Omaha, NE.

July 10-13: Edina, MN. Todd will be performing Andrew and Kara's wedding attending festivities and saying good-bye to friends. Todd will preach at Calvary on July 12 AM and Todd and Jenny will be commissioned on that Sunday morning. Isaiah and Nathanael will be with Grandma and Grandpa Hilkemann in Omaha. Thanks Mom and Dad!

July 13- 28: Omaha, NE. Saying final goodbyes to family and friends/relaxing.

July 26: Todd is preaching at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Omaha, NE. 15002 Blondo. This is the church where I was formerly youth director. I'm excited to see many of you again and worship with you.

July 29: Leave for Kenya. We are departing out of Omaha. We'll have more details as the day draws nearer.

We'd love to connect with as many of you as we can in the next month. Feel free to call us or e-mail us and arrange a time to get-together.


  1. Prepare to sleep very little the weekend of July 10-13...oh, and maybe we'll have to finally pull out "The Princess Bride."

  2. Sounds like you will be able to see lots of people who are dear to you in this coming 'tour'. Since you gave the thumbs up for advice over there on FaceBook, Jenny, I am going to put in my two cents here.

    First of all, lots of hugs. Really meaningful hugs. These hugs will be for your boys; it comunicates security in a constantly shifting environment like nothing else can. Also, give hugs to the special people. I know you are wanting to get gone and that your term is relatively short. Just trust me, hang on a little longer than usual.

    Speaking of security. For the boys it might be good for them to have a security object that they take with them where ever they are. It is like a grounding plug. It stabilizes. For my oldest daughter it was her favorite fun kids plate with flowers on it. For my son it was his soft blue blankie. You might consider a small framed family photo, a stuffed animal or even a special book. Allow them as much time as they need with this object.

    My last bit of advice on this subject would be to take pictures with the people who are dear to you. When you are away it is fun to look through your pictures and remember the people who are rooting for you adn praying for you. Just hand the camera off to someone and say, 'Can you snap a shot of so-and-so with me?' Friends, family, kids friends, cousins, etc... You can't have too many pictures of special people.

    If I think of anything else I will let you know. I must say that I am just so very proud of you guys! Wow. Blessings!

    Angie Washington

  3. Jenny!!! We miss you guys so much! We went for a walk past your house the other day with our gigantic triple stroller for the first time and was so sad to not be able to stop by and say hello! Molly and Noah are doing great...wish you could have seen them on'll have to check out our blog for pics and updates while you are gone.
    How was New York? I hope it went're getting closer and closer to leaving! We will be praying for you and the LONG plane ride over there! If we can do it with two babies, you can do it with your big, well behaved boys:)
    We love you all!
