Wednesday, August 5, 2009

We Have Phones!

For anyone who is interested in making an international call, Jenny and Todd both have cell phones. We will distribute our numbers in our next newsletter - due out probably around August 15th or so. However, if you are dying to talk to us before then, we are happy to e-mail our phone numbers to anyone who requests them. Send us an e-mail and we will send you our numbers. We are not sure how expensive it is to call from the states, but as long as you call us, we don't have to pay anything. On the other hand, we still have to find an inexpensive way to call you all back in the States. When I was serving at Calvary, the cheapest way to call our missionaries (besides Skype) was to purchase an international calling card - so you can explore that option if you wish.

Right now the boys are taking their first nap in 3 days. PRAISE THE LORD! Hopefully it will improve their attitudes.

Some of you knew we were supposed to see an OB yesterday to get the initial check-up for the baby. That didn't happen, so we will probably wait about a month or so to listen for the baby's heartbeat.

Tomorrow we would appreciate your prayers for favor at the shopping malls. We have many items to buy - some of which are going to be expensive. We are praying for good quality items at a reasonable price. Thanks for joining us in that prayer.


  1. Most missionaries here use a Vonage phone. There are a few of us who use a Magic Jack. You can investigate those two calling services online and see if they might help you in your phone situation.

    ~ Angie

  2. I heart shopping! though shopping in Kenya is probably different. Hope it goes well. Will be praying you get lots of good deals. :-) Sandy

  3. I'm sure you have plenty of help there getting the items you need and they will not lead you astray, trust them. I found stuff at Nakumatt and Tusky's. They were easy places to shop and American-like, which is less overwhelming at the beginning.

    Hooray for the nap! My nephew (2 and a half) was here for a week and took one nap the whole time. There were four adults taking care of him and we were all still tired. I am praying for you and Jenny! Hugs!

  4. We'd love to pray for your trip to the mall! :) Our family misses your family. We think of you often and are so excited that God has called you to serve His kingdom in Kenya.
    Love and hugs from the DeKams

  5. Glad to hear that you guys are getting settled in. Hopefully your shopping excursion was successful.

    I love you all. Kristi
